St.Marks's Pre-School
St. Mark's is a new Pre-school that has recently opened in September 2018! We offer high quality care and education, at affordable prices. Here at St. Mark's we pride ourselves on providing all children with a caring, safe and stimulating environment, and experienced, caring staff who will help your child learn and grow each day.
We are a small setting holding a maximum of 30 children at any one time. We are open 8.00am-4.00pm Monday-Friday, term time only. We take children from age two to five years old. The Pre-school is owned and managed by Sarah and Carla who are both highly qualified and have many years of past experience. Have a look at the 'Meet the Team' page to find out more about us!
Our aim at St. Mark's Pre-school is to support your child and prepare them on their journey to school. We do this by making their experiences at St. Mark's Pre-school as fun and educational as possible!. We understand each child learns and develops in their own way, and has their own individual needs and interests. We provide each child with a key person who will provide daily, fun and stimulating activities to help support them in meeting their individual goals, which have been set by the Early Years Foundation Stage. This government framework covers seven areas of learning and development and aims to give children an opportunity to experience a wide range of experiences to help them develop the right skills for later learning.
Here at St. Mark's Pre-school we understand and value the importance of parental involvement within a child's learning and development at pre-school. Therefore, we like to invite parents in to the setting as much as we can! We hold monthly stay and play sessions, where parents and relatives can come and play with your child, have a chat to your child's key person, and join in some of the activities we provide at St. Mark's! We also hold termly parents evenings. This is a great opportunity for you to speak to your child's key person and understand more about your child's development. We use tapestry to record observations and to monitor children's progress and development. We have chosen this online software as we really like the parent links - parents can see and add all observations on their child's profile and it makes it so easy for parents to keep up to date!
We understand that a lot of thought and consideration goes into choosing your child's nursery and we understand it can be just as emotional for parents. Therefore, we have an open door policy where you can come have a look around the Pre-school anytime! If you feel our Pre-school is the right choice for you and your child then we will be happy to complete a registration form with you! We can also support you in applying for funding if you are eligible. We then provide a minimum of 3 one hour settling in sessions before your child starts with us to make sure your child is settled before leaping in to daily sessions. If your child needs more settling in sessions prior to starting we will accommodate until your child is settled!
If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact Sarah or Carla. (See our 'Contact us' page!